
picking Autumn Learn more about picking Autumn

  • What are the varieties of pepper suitable for picking in dog days and autumn? You'll understand after reading it!

    What are the varieties of pepper suitable for picking in dog days and autumn? You'll understand after reading it!

    Pepper, I believe many friends will have eaten when eating food, it is hemp and spicy, and it tastes good in the dish. There are many varieties of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. There are several kinds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum which are suitable for picking in this dog day, and there are also some varieties of Zanthoxylum bungeanum which are suitable for picking in autumn.

    2020-11-27 Suitable for dog days autumn picking pepper varieties are
  • Picking autumn tea during National Day holiday

    Picking autumn tea during National Day holiday

    Tea farmers pick autumn tea in an ecological tea garden on the outskirts of Zhaoping County, Hezhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region on October 2. During the National Day holiday, tea farmers in Guangxi, Hubei and other places are still busy in the tea garden, going up the mountain to pick autumn tea. Xinhua News Agency sends (photo by Huang Xuhu) October 2, Tea

    2016-03-20 National Day long Holiday picking Autumn Tea October 2nd Tea Farmer in
  • When is the tea usually picked in our country? What are the technical points?

    When is the tea usually picked in our country? What are the technical points?

    What we usually call tea generally refers to the leaves and buds of tea trees, which can be eaten, used medicinally and brewed for drinking, and need to be picked and processed. When is the tea usually picked? What are the technical points? 1. The basic situation of tea. The distribution of tea and

    2020-11-09 In our country tea generally is when picking technology
  • Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Let's go to enjoy flowers and pick fruits together.

    Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Let's go to enjoy flowers and pick fruits together.

    Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Let's go to enjoy flowers and pick fruits together.

  • On the technical measures for the production of summer and autumn tea

    On the technical measures for the production of summer and autumn tea

    The output and output value of summer and autumn tea account for about half of the whole year. Doing a good job of summer and autumn tea production is very important to win a bumper tea harvest and increase local financial revenue and the economic income of tea farmers. Therefore, all localities must take effective measures to improve the quality of summer and autumn tea, grasp the production momentum of spring tea, and seriously do a good job of summer and autumn tea production. To this end, the following technical measures are put forward. First, increase the application of topdressing and spraying fertilizer outside the root. It is better to apply fertilizer early for summer and autumn tea. Generally speaking, fertilizer should be topdressing in time after the end of spring tea.

  • The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, let's go to enjoy the flowers and pick up the fruit!

    The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, let's go to enjoy the flowers and pick up the fruit!

    As the saying goes, an autumn rain and a cold, with the hot summer gradually away, the sky of autumn is slowly approaching us. Autumn is the season for flowers to bloom. The chrysanthemums of all colors compete with each other and are colorful, weaving the most beautiful scenery in autumn.

  • Autumn tea is listed to welcome the "examination": who dominates the ups and downs of Tieguanyin or white tea?

    Autumn tea is listed to welcome the

    The ancients said that spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, it should be good, autumn White Dew, the autumn white dew here refers to autumn tea. Nowadays, it is the peak picking season, and autumn tea picking in major producing areas is being carried out vigorously, preparing the taste buds of consumers for the taste of autumn. It is understood that

    2016-03-20 Autumn tea on the market welcome " exam " Tieguanyin who is white tea?
  • When and how to pick the leaves of Chinese wolfberry bonsai

    When and how to pick the leaves of Chinese wolfberry bonsai

    The leaf picking treatment of bonsai trees is an important means to promote the germination of tree species with less times of sprouting and leafing in a year, which can make bonsai trees often keep fresh green leaves, thus full of vitality, and the ornamental value of bonsai is higher. The same is true of Chinese wolfberry bonsai, which is often taken to pick leaves to promote germination.

  • Discussion on the technology of increasing the output of high-grade tea

    Discussion on the technology of increasing the output of high-grade tea

    With the development of China's economy, the improvement of people's living standards and the deepening of opening up to the outside world, high-grade tea is more and more favored by the market, and the sales volume is increasing year by year. Therefore, how to improve the output of high-grade tea has become an important research topic in tea production. For this reason, the author has carried on many aspects of technical discussion, explored some experience, and achieved good results. The main links are introduced as follows: 1 strengthen the fertilization of tea garden in autumn and winter, apply sufficient base fertilizer in winter, increase the application of available nitrogen fertilizer, give full play to the spring effect of fertilizer, and make spring tea excellent.

  • The shape of picking leaves in bonsai

    The shape of picking leaves in bonsai

    Picking leaves can make bonsai trees that send leaves once a year sprout and sprout leaves many times. Picking leaves can make bonsai send out green leaves again, reproduce vibrant grace, make it more beautiful and have more ornamental value. Fertilizer and water management should be strengthened about one month before picking leaves to promote new buds to sprout quickly and grow into tender leaves after picking leaves. The time of picking leaves varies early and late according to the tree species and the ornamental period. But except that leaves can not be picked during natural sprouting in spring, leaves can be picked at other times, and it is generally best to pick leaves in spring and autumn. The number of picking leaves can also be based on the species and view of the tree.

  • When will raspberries be planted? It can be planted in spring and autumn, and picking is divided into two seasons.

    When will raspberries be planted? It can be planted in spring and autumn, and picking is divided into two seasons.

    Raspberries can be planted in spring or autumn, and generally the effect of sowing in March is better, because the gradual warming in spring is beneficial to the germination of raspberry seeds, and attention should be paid to planting raspberries without too sticky soil as far as possible. raspberries are more suitable for planting in high quality sandy soil

    2020-11-08 Raspberry when planting Spring and Autumn all can be planted picked also
  • Pick some of this from outside in autumn and take it home to grow flowers. It makes the flowers crazy.

    Pick some of this from outside in autumn and take it home to grow flowers. It makes the flowers crazy.

    The autumn temperature is suitable, and it is the season to go out for an autumn outing, so the babies who grow flowers can wait until they go out to play, pick up some small things outside and use them to grow flowers so that they no longer have to worry about planting flowers that are not good.

  • Safflower planting methods and picking

    Safflower planting methods and picking

    Land selection and preparation: planting in dry land or wasteland. Timely sowing: According to local climatic conditions, spring sowing, autumn sowing and winter sowing can be selected, and then 6-7 seeds can be sown per hole according to a certain plant spacing. Field management: Thinning seedlings when they grow to 6-7 cm

    2020-11-08 red floral planting method and picking abstract land selection soil preparation
  • How to color the apple quickly after picking the bag?

    How to color the apple quickly after picking the bag?

    How to color the apple quickly after picking the bag?

  • In autumn, crab claw orchids should be willing to pick leaves once, 2 weeks long, new leaves, 3 weeks, flower buds.

    In autumn, crab claw orchids should be willing to pick leaves once, 2 weeks long, new leaves, 3 weeks, flower buds.

    Raising crab claw orchids in autumn, we should be willing to "pick leaves", pick 2-week-long new leaves once, and grow flowers at home for 3 weeks, which has become the living habit of many people. Raising all kinds of green potted plants can not only purify the air, but also beautify the ring.

  • Tea light pruning

    Tea light pruning

    Light pruning is a kind of shaping and pruning on the basis of stereotyped pruning in order to continue to cultivate tea tree crown and picking noodles. The cutting position is generally increased by 4cm to 8cm over the previous year. Spring tea leaves to pick, leave spring shoots, cut off summer and autumn shoots. Spring tea leaves no leaves but summer tea leaves to pick, cut off the summer and autumn shoots left above the true leaf tip. If the leaves of spring and summer tea are picked, then the net increase in the height of the crown shall prevail for pruning, and it is not advisable to leave the pile too high. Light trimming should be trimmed horizontally once and the cut should be smooth. Light trimming should be done at the end of autumn or

  • How to color the latest apple after picking the bag?

    How to color the latest apple after picking the bag?

    Apple is a very common fruit in our daily life, which has a very large planting area in our country. When growing apples, bagging is an indispensable work in order to ensure the quality and output of apples. And after bagging, we should also pay attention to

    2020-11-10 The latest apple take off the bag after how color fast fruit is
  • Which kind of tea is the best in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

    Which kind of tea is the best in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

    As the ancients said, "Spring tea is bitter, summer tea is astringent, it should be delicious, autumn White Dew." Regardless of whether these descriptions are accurate, it can be seen that tea in different seasons has different characteristics in people's perception. People who know a little bit about tea are buying tea.

  • Crab claw orchids should be able to pick leaves and leaves for 30 days to blossom.

    Crab claw orchids should be able to pick leaves and leaves for 30 days to blossom.

    Raise crab claw orchid to "can pick leaves", pick leaves, 30 days to show flower buds, blossom more flowers at home has become a habit of many people, many people around like to raise some green potted plants. Like hanging orchid, green pineapple, rich tree, rich bamboo.

  • In autumn, pick it up and throw it into the pot. The roots are strong and the leaves are green. The pot will not rot for 10 years.

    In autumn, pick it up and throw it into the pot. The roots are strong and the leaves are green. The pot will not rot for 10 years.

    Autumn is the time to change pots for flowers at home! But where did he get all these materials for raising flowers? Go out and pick it up, of course! Just walk to the park and you can pick up good things. Why don't you hurry up and learn? The tree is a tree.
